воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

africa craft kid

I have not updated for a long time because Iapos;ve been so busy with sorority work, school, and love.

Love? I found it in Ricky Maw.
I have to say that when I first said that I loved him, I wasnapos;t too sure. I did only say it because he said it.
As time started to pass though, I think�I really fell in love with him.
Iapos;ve always had commitment issues in the past, but with him, itapos;s so different.
I get so touched by his actions. He is super sweet, and he does so much for me.
He started going vegetarian for me, and he takes care of me so well.

If I lost him somehow, I think Iapos;m going to be super depressed about it.
I really donapos;t know how I would get over it.
When it was with Ray, I cried for about two or 3 days, and then was just a bit sad overall for a while.
I was actually surprised with myself because I wasnapos;t as upset as I thought Iapos;d be.
I knew the relationship was not going well because I literally let him walk out of my life.
I believe that he did love me to some extent, because he wanted to do what was best for me, and he knew we had different paths we wanted to lead. He loved me enough to let me go and wherever I was suppose to go, and if we are really meant to be together, weapos;ll get back together somehow.

I do not see that happening though.
I let him leave me. If I wanted him to stay, if I wanted to get back together, I think weapos;d still be together right now,
but as time has gone by, I realized he doesnapos;t want me back. He found a new girlfriend quite quickly, and I asked him in an email like two summers ago if he ever considered getting back together and he said no.

I have Ricky now, and I know for a fact that I never wanna go back.
I think Iapos;d be more devastated if I lost him. He means so much to me, and I really just wouldnt not know what Iapos;d do without him in my life.
Itapos;s a weird feeling, and I just know that I love him so much.

And thats all I really wanted to update on.

That I am in love with Ricky Maw.

asl chatting, africa craft kid, africa craft and educational projects, africa cradle of civilization, africa cpd paramedics south, africa cpd need nurse south.

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