понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cloud fairy

Another day another dollar.� Not literally I hope.

A much better day for me emotionally.� I managed to talk to my insurance guy yesterday afternoon and my disability insurance will cover my illness, if the dr says I�need to finish work then I do, and after 4 weeks my cover kicks in.� Yahoo.

BUT ... Still need to run the business until Xmas as that is when the serious sales come in and well, would be a monumental fool to close before then.� Having a bit of a summit meeting tomorrow with the insurance guy and my worker/mum to see how was can handle things from here.�

Finally got my lease out to check it out and the next renewal is July 2009, so if we do close out responsibility ends then.� Which is not too bad considering.� Hopefully we can lease the place out before then though.

So, I went home last night and my partner was less than helpful although I am sure they were just trying to apos;fixapos; me.� It was very stressful though, trying to have them come up with solutions to problems when they didnapos;t fully understand the problems in the first place and were swinging wildly between two different alternatives.� Nothing was suitable, so itapos;s a case of having a think, waiting to see what happens tomorrow with the insurance guy and making a plan from there.� I think with Nov looming and hence being able to order stuff which wonapos;t have to be paid for until 20th Dec is a huge and welcome relief.

Itapos;s a case of hanging in there ...
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florida college of natural health

Dental question --

I had this huge blister on my cheek from my braces and I had to be reeeaaalllyyy gentle when I brushed in that spot and I guess I wasnapos;t getting proper attention there so one spot of my gum is swollen.

Well, the blisterapos;s gone but my gum is swollen and surpsise surprise, I have an appt this week with my cunt dentist who already threatened to remove my braces if I didnapos;t floss more. And my usual excuse is ~everything is perfectly healthy so she can suck my dick~ =/

So... Since I can thoroughly move around there now, how long does it take for swelling to go down from brushing 3 times a day + rinse?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fodor stephanie

Iapos;m pathetically new to this... So bear with me.
I found myself with a bit of free time, which is ridiculously rare in my life. Itapos;s actually depressing to think that Iapos;m spending it blogging.
Well excuse me Iapos;m being rude... My name is Della. I love photography and creative writing. If Iapos;m not drowning in college applications and other school related busy-work, Iapos;m writing short stories and personal poems. I have a dog, two sisters, and a pair of pain-in-the-ass parents. Je parle francaise, and I would someday like to learn sign language.
Bleh...enough about me. I want to hear about you And by "you" I mean the millions of readers... Hah.

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big screen crt tvs

Hi everyone
Well I just completed week 3 of my school it is hard to believe it is almost half over. This week went by quickly with Monday being the Thanksgiving holiday. On Tuesday and Wednesday we had to workshops were kind of boring but good they were of things that we learned on week 1. Thursday we went over the stuff on our test that we write on Monday and yesterday we did work on computer and then got a customer service assignment where we have to pretend we are presenting a product to Giant Tiger and tell all about it. I am doing Blue Buffalo Cat Food that Princess and Lucky like. Last week in my entry I wrote about my exam that I wrote and was not sure if I passed or not but I got 80 was am happy about that. It is important to do well in the course so I can get a job after. I think alot of the people in my class are not trying. They want to leave early every day but we did get to leave early on Thursday and Friday.
I found a friend in my class that lives real close to hear so her and I are going to ride the bus home together sometimes. Yesterday after we got done class I went with her to get her new glasses then we to St Vincent DE Paul to look around and then we went to Beantrees for a cup of tea and cake. She works there so knows the employees there so we were there quite awhile and I called Hans and asked if he wanted him to bring home supper so I brought home Beef on a Kaiser and a Caesar salad for both of us. Well that is about it for school for this week.
Tomorrow is Hans 39th birthday so we are going to a place in Niagara On The Lake for lunch with his parents and maybe to their house after. Today we went to the North End China Buffet with Dave that I worked with at Start Me up, his parents and a friend of theirs and Ann that is a student at Start Me Up. It was nice was a birthday treat for Hans and Ann.
Anyway that is all for now but I will update you next weekend.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

basketball jerseys for kids

�Jonrsquo;s not talking to me anymore. He hasnrsquo;t called me back and I donrsquo;t think he plans on answering any of my calls. He got mad at me again when we were talking on AIM, itrsquo;s true that I get really distracted when Irsquo;m on my computer and I typically donrsquo;t answer back, but I didnrsquo;t know hersquo;d get so hot and bothered by it.

So here I am feeling pretty lonely, the only person I talk to about things I really want to talk about has no interest in talking to me. I know I have some friends here, but Irsquo;m not an idiot ndash; none of them give a shit about me. Even my ldquo;best friendrdquo; is way to busy to talk to me most of the time, and she definitely doesnrsquo;t want to drive all the way out here just to hang out.

I guess Irsquo;m just here on my own again. Itrsquo;s not all bad, maybe I might even start writing more. I need to get my thoughts out somehow.�

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film buy

I met 3 of the 5 goals from yesterday. I made goals to do crunches and pushups that I completely forgot about.

35 minutes of C25K Week 3
45 minutes of "The Firm: Cardio Overdrive"

1 1/2 mini bagels, pineapple, grapes, and juice
Leftover Chicken Crispers
Taffy Apple
Cheeseburger with lettuce and onion
Rice Kripsy Treat


Community goals:
5 servings :-D

Goals for today
-Take a walk
-64oz water
-Start the 100 pushups program

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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SO I have this really annoying habit that when an idea for work comes to my mind I scribble it on my arm. Yesterday, I went shopping and someone from my college days asked, When did you get a tattoo?

I was dumbfounded and said, Iapos;m sorry, what? Needles terrify me

And then I looked at my divine arm and laughed so hard I snorted. No joke, it looked like like my pen just vomited a thick ink coat all over me.

Note to self, buy a memo pad and pronto.

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crossword anagrams

Looks like the rainapos;s pouring down on me
Itapos;s drowning me now
And all I want is to come back home
And this old corduroy coat is not keeping me dry
But I canapos;t think of what else to try
Thatapos;s why the best thing I can give to you
Is for me to go
Leave you alone
You got growing up to do

Sometimes he wondered if he should go. Not out of a lack of feeling, not by a long shot, but...was he helping? Did anything he say, do, feel, get through? Was he banging on glass, desperate, still caged in a world where nothing made sense to the boy on the other side? Sometimes he thought heapos;d managed, and then the same arguments came flying back at him, the words even the same, nothing changing or showing that he had grasped Adamapos;s point at all.

It was a sideways way of thinking. Adam knew that, understood it, but it came from age, from experience, and watching the boy rip himself to pieces with guilt and angst hurt when if he would just listen. But it was ever the province of the young to think they knew better than those who have come before, especially when they disagree with them. Adamapos;s frustration didnapos;t help, he knew. And he knew that it was something that time would alter. Oh, the boy might not ever become him, but eventually he would grow up or he would be destroyed.

Adam was hoping very hard for the former rather than the latter, but to get him there, Adam had to wonder -- was he standing in the way? Was his experience, his point of view, clouding the boyapos;s judgment and ability to grow? Was he pushing too hard, saying too much, destroying their chance at having anything by his own need to save him from himself? If he went away for a year, two, a decade, two, a century...would it change? Would he change until they found themselves more in line with one another, truly partners instead of this twisted mentorship where the mentee had no desire to learn?

Adam didnapos;t know. But the thought plagued him sometimes.

Maybe he should go. Not forever, but for a while. Come back later, when the boy had grown up. It might be best for everyone, that way. Put distance between other things as well. But every time he tried to leave, his feet wouldnapos;t move, and Adam found himself waiting, suspended, holding his breath and hoping more than he thought he had left to hope that it would be enough.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


I went to mcdonalds today. I ate inside. I had my keys on my tray. I accidently threw my keys away in the trash. I had forgotten that they were on my tray. I had to pick threw the trash at mcdonalds to find them. I had to take the can out of the trash booth. Luckily there wasnt much gross trash, just wrappers, some fries, and a cup of ketchup. They were close to the top of the can luckily. It was gross. But so funny.
the end

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